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Pigtronix Gloamer Polyphonic Amplitude Synthesizer Guitar Pedal


Pigtronix Gloamer Polyphonic Amplitude Synthesizer Guitar Pedal


Item mungkin tersedia di pajangan!

Rp 4.550.000

(Termasuk Pajak & Biaya Pengiriman)

Pengiriman Gratis & Pengantaran

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Rp 50,000

Deskripsi Produk

Gloamer is an all-analogue, polyphonic amplitude synthesizer that alters the attack and decay time of any sound source without sacrificing the fidelity of the original tone. Its attack function provides a pick-triggered volume swell: a cinematic “slow gear” effect that is smooth and controllable with variable timing from extremely fast to very slow. The volume swell cycle can be reset at any moment by muting, allowing players to craft bowed string-like lines and chords with ease. Gloamer also features a powerful optical compressor that can add subtle punch or extreme sustain, helping to maintain a smooth volume swell effect even with very long attack times. A Volume knob controls loudness at the peak of the attack cycle, while a master Blend control allows players to layer an uncompressed clean sound in with the volume swell effect. Additionally, when activated, the Decay function causes notes to fade out once the attack cycle is complete. When the decay cycle is completed, an auto-reset function causes the attack to begin again immediately, as long as there is audio input. This allows you to create a wide range of undulating, asymmetrical tremolos at slower settings as well as pulsating stutter effects when using faster attack and decay times.


  • Volume - Sets the master output volume of the effect when engaged. 
  • Compression - Determines the balance of clean and compressed signal.
  • Blend - Determines the balance of clean signal and effect.
  • Attack - Determines the duration of time it takes for a note to swell in from silent to full volume.
  • Decay - Determines the duration of time it takes for a note to fade out from full volume to silence.
  • Sensitivity - Determines how much input signal is needed to reset the attack and decay cycle. 
  • Ready (LED) - Signals when the pedal is armed and ready to begin the attack and/or decay cycle. 


  • Bypass: True Bypass
  • Voltage: 9VDC
  • Current Draw: 100mA
  • Dimensions: 4.75" (W) x 2.5" (H) x 3.5" (L)
  • Weight: 0.45 kg / 1 lbs 

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Ya! Selain pemesanan custom, semua pemesanan pre-order/reservasi memerlukan deposit 100% atau deposit 30% dengan pembayaran Saldo 70% pada saat barang tiba. Silakan berbincang dengan Tim Sales & Support kami yang ramah tentang reservasi/pre-order sekarang juga!
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Ya! Semua pesanan mendapatkan Garansi Esensial selama setahun dari tanggal pembelian setelah Anda mendaftarkan detail pemesanan di akun Swee Lee Anda.
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Kecuali ditampilkan di toko, kami menyimpan amp dengan rapi di dalam gudang. Jika Anda ingin mencoba sebelum membelinya secara online, silakan hubungi showroom Swee Lee favor Anda sebelum mengunjunginya, staff kami dengan senang hati akan membantu Anda!
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Kecuali dituliskan di deskripsi produk, produk kami tidak menyertakan aksesori. Anda bisa menjelajahi aksesori kami, atau bertanya pada Tim Sales & Support kami untuk meminta rekomendasi sekarang juga!
Apa saya membutuhkan power supply untuk pedal saya?
Meski tidak wajib, kami menyarankan penggunaan power supply untuk pedal Anda. Hal itu meminimalisir dengungan dan pastikan pedal Anda mendapatkan power supply yang sesuai, hal itu mengoptimalkan output dan nada. Silakan tanya Tim Sales & Support kami untuk rekomendasi power supply sekarang!


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