Rp 300.000 atau Rp 75.000 per bulan

Kyser KG6G4V2A Quick Change Capo, Desert Camo, Guitars 4 Vets Edition


Kyser KG6G4V2A Quick Change Capo, Desert Camo, Guitars 4 Vets Edition


Item mungkin tersedia di pajangan!

Rp 300.000

(Termasuk Pajak & Biaya Pengiriman)

Deskripsi Produk

The Guitars for Vets or G4V organization helps Veterans working through physical injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other forms of emotional distress through a guitar-playing program and music therapy. G4V and Kyser's commitment to veterans aims to help those through the healing power of music.

The new capo features a desert camo design at the request of Guitars 4 Vets and the veterans they serve, a large number being veterans of Gulf War engagements including Operation Desert Storm. The updated Guitar 4 Vets logo appears on one profile of the capo and Kyser’s logo appears on the opposite side as well.


  • Compact and contoured
  • Fast Handling
  • Hand-cut finished
  • Desert Camo design
  • Made in the USA

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